When I saw how long this was, I though Oh my god, 16 minutes, are you kidding me?
But then I started watching, and I could not get my eyes off the screen.
Amasing concept, beautiful music and sounds, incredible artwork, mindblow story, fluid animation
Its a masterpiece.
SPOILERS: don't read if you haven't watched yet.
You see this poor class, being tempted by the rich, the superfitious and deceptive. The 'perfect body' 'perfect dream' 'perfect self'
A lottery witch can get you out of your misery
An illusion of perfectness.
A nice guy, but miserable, who likes a girl, but dreams a dream.
And he is tempted by the image of the ''perfect girl'', sexy, beautiful.
Once he wins, he somehow feels guilty, for leeving the girl nextdoor behind, to go live like a god
We see what he has become, or so we think, we see him no longer himself, a ''star''
Then he wakes up, and discovers the lies, the illusion and fantasies from witch he was made victim.
Then, he dreams another dream, to be with the girl he left behind, to chase an illusion, only to feed other peoples dreams, and become a prisonner of his fantasies.